Logo & Marketing Materials
Logo Modifications
One of the founders of The Medisearch Institute (an organization that provides second+ opinions and performs a worldwide search for alternative medical treatments) approached us with the organization’s current logo mark. Overall he liked the mark but it was missing “the” and “institute”. He was also uncertain about the colors being utilized. He was looking for something to make the logo stand out a bit more.

The client was not happy with the use of gray in the logo, so we updated the gray to the blue and found an orange that was reflective of the same energy and utilized it in place of the original blue copy. We added in the missing text to the logo and using a modified gray were able to provide the client with a logo mark that was more representative of how he wanted the organization to be seen.
We also provided a brief standards guide to assist with the utilization of the mark and to ensure consistency of assets across various mediums.

Website Design
Now that a logo, colors, and some basic typography standards have been determined we were able to move forward onto the look and feel of their website. We have started wireframing specific pages within the website and upon client approval, we will send the Adobe XD files to development. Content for the site is being developed by the client and associates from eLaunchers.

Print Marketing Assets
During the time the client and eLaunchers have taken their proven Shock and Awe formula and started working on the copy, we have been developing the individual asset pieces that will make up The Medisearch Institutes’ shock and awe.
