Branding and brand management are essential to a business, whether it’s an online or offline enterprise. Your brand is the public’s impression of your organization. You must manage it, or it will default to what others say. Its purpose is to connect your clients with your organization. Having a solid brand strategy and implementation are crucial to your business. It connects your customers/clients to you through awareness and a sense of community.

Your Logo

There are many brand elements; the most commonly associated is your logo. Avoid using a logo designed with pieces of clip-art, as it can make your entire business look amateurish. Having a professional designer create your business logo is crucial. They examine your business values, purpose, and mission. Then, develop a logo to embody your business and connect with your target audience. Your logo mark will appear on many of your assets, such as emails, letterhead, labels, and notepads. You want to present a professional and competent image to the world. Make sure this initial impression of your company is a strong one.

Your Tagline

Another critical characteristic of branding is your slogan or tagline. Your tagline should emphasize the message you want to deliver to the public. The best tend to be brief and catchy. A professional can help you develop a tag that is impactful and memorable. However, it need not be eternal, so make sure that your tagline is relevant to your current business position and the tribe being developing.  Here are some great examples of taglines.

Tangible Assets

The application of your brand strategy should permeate your marketing, internal and external interactions. The tangible elements represent your brand. They create a sensory brand identity. Your brand logo, color palette, marketing materials, letterhead, signage, messaging, etc., are all tangible representations of your brand’s identity. Your brand is the tone of your writing, the images you present, the interaction between employees and customers or clients. If one element doesn’t fit into the brand identity, it can damage your entire brand. Although tangible brand assets go a long way to supporting your brand, you also need the intangibles. 

Intangible Assets

The attitude, feeling, and the way you approach your communications internally and toward the general public produce massive returns in your brand’s influence. Inconsistency is the brand killer. No matter what your words say, the actions of the employees and company at large will reveal if they are not in alignment. Remember, if your least paid employees aren’t your best brand ambassadors, you may want to know why. After all, these employees often make the first impression with potential clients. Make sure it’s a good one.

Brand Management

Brand management can be a complex and consuming activity. In many organizations, the individuals who oversee brand management are called the “brand police.” No one wants that title, but someone—or more realistically, a group of people—needs to oversee the brand and comply with established guidelines. There are a few ways to make your brand management easier, such as having comprehensive brand guidelines. Although time-consuming, by going beyond the design basics and including explanations of the brand’s core idea, tenets, proof points, positioning, tone, and voice. A glossary of preferred terminology and chapters developed for each marketing channel, with noted exceptions, creates a great resource that removes individual preference from design and branding decisions. Make brand oversight a team effort. Bring content creators and approvers together for regular education on the brand. Encourage a collaborative environment where they can ensure that every touchpoint’s voice and tone is “on brand.” Include the overall employee body by recognizing behaviors that exhibit the brand values, engaging them in contests, and getting their input on charitable endeavors. When you have made the organization’s brand management part of the culture, the business, employees, and customers win.

Click here for more information on logos and branding.

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