
Brand Standards & Usage Guidelines





Visual Style



There’s a new urgent care experience,
unlike any other,
that meets people’s needs
in ways they never imagined.

That’s trü.

There’s a new care partner
who respects their patients’ time,
understands their needs,
and makes them feel valued and important.

That’s trü.

There’s a healthy embrace
of modern technology
with a compassionate embrace
of diverse local communities.

That’s trü.


trü is reimagining urgent care
to create a seamlessly integrated experience
between in-person and virtual care.

We’re replacing the traditional,
outdated model with one
that gives you the care you need,
so you can feel better and embrace the day.

We’re welcoming everyone to experience
a new kind of care that’s different.

That’s better.

That’s trü.
Clearly different. Truly better.

trü Feelings

We are focusing on how the experience with trüHealthNow makes you feel. It’s about the emotional benefits that all patients will get from the brand in a deeper sense. It’s less about doctors, lab coats and exam rooms and more about relief, satisfaction and freedom —the emotions you feel from a care experience that allows you to move on and get back to enjoying your life.

trü Feelings is a simple, yet expansive, direction that involves combining the brand name with a variety of words to create our own unique and powerful brand vocabulary that speaks to an endless range of emotional end benefits.

      • trü happiness
      • trü calm
      • trü giving
      • trü peace of mind
      • trü relief
      • trü connection
      • trü smiles
      • trü yass
      • trü well-being
      • trü kindness
      • trü simplicity
      • trü access
      • trü peace
      • trü diversity
      • trü positivity
      • trü support
      • trü freedom
      • trü mom power
      • trü comfort
      • trü joy
      • trü acceptance
      • trü fulfillment
      • trü serenity
      • trü support
      • trü love
      • trü purpose
      • trü trust

trü Tone

As we introduce trüHealthNow to the public, we have the opportunity to differentiate the brand from other healthcare providers. We will speak to — and connect with — our audience, while delivering a brand promise for a new care experience that is built with the patient and their family in mind.

Our Tone is:

      • Welcoming
      • Caring
      • Progressive yet approachable
      • Community-focused
trühealthnow visual of how we should connect with our patients

trü Names

When writing the name of the company, or brand attribute, be sure that trü is always written with a lower case “t”, this includes at the start of a sentence. The “ü” has an umlaut or diaeresis accent which can be typed by using the alt code (Alt + 0252) with the number keypad. If you are unable to write a ü a standard u may be used, but the umlauted version is highly preferred.

– written as one word with the H and N upper case
trü Primary Care
– written as three words, t for trü is lower case, the P and C are upper case
trü Urgent Care
– written as three words, the t for trü is lower case, the U and C are upper case

trüHealthNow is the name that will be overarching used in communications to reflect the organization. It is the branding for internal signage, for invoices and mailings, primary in social media.

trü Primary Care, trü Urgent Care, and any variation that may be forthcoming, will be exterior signage as they provide ease of identification for the patient on what is being offered. This branding may appear secondary when shown in combination with trüHealthNow.

To type the ü … press and hold the ALT key & type 0252 on the 10-key number pad on your keyboard. If you don’t have a numeric keypad you can also insert it by copy/paste from the Character Map App, or Insert Symbol option in Word/Excel (look under Latin-1 Supplement from subset drop-down).

Want to simplify your typing of trüHealthNow?

You can easily add a shortcut to your auto currect list in MS Word that will create a “short-cut” for typing it out. For me. I set up t-h-n (without the dashes) so when I type thn it comes out as trüHealthNow.

How to do this?

  1. Open Word.
  2. Click File.
    ms word - select file
  3. Select Options (at bottom left).
    word options e1688803507578
  4. Click on Proofing from the list on the left side of the pop-up.
    settings - autocorrect
  5. Click the Auto Correct Options button.


  1. In the pop-up.
  2. Type what you’d like as your shortcut “word” under “Replace.”
  3. Type what you’d like it replaced with – in this case trüHealthNow under “With.”
  4. Click Ok.

Now take it for a test drive. Try out your new shortcut word and see it switch out!

trü Purpose

Condensed:  Humanize healthcare

Extended:  Humanize healthcare with a smile and compassion in every interaction

trü North Stars

What is Good: Healing people physically, psychologically, spiritually

What is True: Great care is human-centric

What is Beautiful: Deliver beautiful patient experiences

What is Heroic: Stand up to the enemy (broken, consolidating American healthcare system driven by outdated hospitals and misaligned investment firms)

trü Vision

Become the leading healthcare brand in the DMV region

Do it in a way that values every stakeholder (customer, provider, team, vendor, investor, family)

trü Marketing

Tagline: Clearly different, truly better

One-Liner: We simplify and humanize healthcare so busy individuals can get better fast with renewed energy and clarity

trü Guiding Principles

  1. We will be the best health system in the region
  2. We will deliver world-class experiences for our customers
  3. We will enable deep fulfillment for our team
  4. We will be productive and profitable
  5. We will be efficient not wasteful
  6. We will be compliant and safe
  7. We will be a meritocracy
  8. We will reward well
  9. We will reward differentially
  10. We will value hard work but not long hours

trü Values

  1. “WOW” Patient Experience
    1. Smile in every interaction
    2. Be compassionate in every interaction
    3. Be kind in every interaction
    4. Go the extra mile (for customers, team, organization)
    5. Help even when it isn’t your role
  2. Positive Energy
    1. Have fun
    2. Be your authentic self
    3. Be humble (put the team’s interest over your own)
    4. Demonstrate respect for every team member
    5. Embrace selfless service (seva)
  3. Strong work ethic
    1. Do your job at the highest possible level
    2. Tell the truth
    3. Be prepared (be ready, on-time for work & meetings)
    4. Be trustworthy (do what you say)
    5. Be accountable (take responsibility for your actions)
  4. Take initiative
    1. Continuously improve (yourself, others, workplace)
    2. Be details and results-oriented
    3. Identify problems, find solutions
    4. Communicate effectively (across team, organization)
    5. Think in and develop systems (permanent > temporary)
  5. Dedication to self-actualization
    1. Be the best version of your self
    2. Apply your gifts in meaningful ways
    3. Have a growth mindset (be curious, keep learning and teaching)
    4. Have an owner’s mindset (adopt our philosophy)
    5. Be passionate about our purpose (to humanize healthcare)

trü Dictionary

  • Team – instead of staff, employee, people
  • Centers – instead of clinics, sites
  • Purpose – instead of mission

trü Behaviors

5 Encouraged Behaviors

  1. Do follow the “5 ft acknowledgement rule” (say “hello, good morning” to nearby team, patients)
  2. Do wear uniforms with name tags (clinical), appropriate attire (non-clinical)
  3. Do keep clean workspace, hygiene, appropriate PPE (masks, gloves)
  4. Do spend time with teammates inside, outside work
  5. Do be poised, professional, pleasant (make eye contact, say “thank you, please, kindly, how may I, is there anything else, welcome, my pleasure”)

5 Discouraged Behaviors

  1. Use profanity, gossip, complain (on premises)
  2. Look at cell phones, watches, social media (around patients)
  3. Be late (to shifts, calls, meetings)
  4. Isolate from team (lacking communication, closed doors)
  5. Drive during work hours (unless filling same-day operational need)


Each logo-type includes downloadable assets for the pictured design. EPS, SVG and PDF file types are vectors. They should be used wherever possible. Vectors can be infinitely scaled without distorting or looking pixelated. PNG and JPG file types are useful for social media applications, like profile avatars and backgrounds. Unlike vectors, they look worse as they are enlarged. JPGs have solid backgrounds, all other file types are against a transparent background, so they can be used in a multitude of applications.

Zip files for each logo set with the available formats are downloadable below.
truHealthNow Logos Includes the company logo in its vertical, horizontal & box forms.

trüHealthNow Primary Logo

The vertical logo is the preferred logo and should be utilized in all applications where there is sufficient space and contrast for it to be clearly visible. Examples of this usage would be the website header, business cards, stationary, signage and marketing materials.

Color Logo

Use of the full color logo should be utilized whenever possible.  Use the full color logo on the website, social media and in print where possible & where is will not clash or be difficult to see against its intended background.

2-Color Logo

Use of the 2-color logo is limited to use cases where a limited palette is available. This is most frequently print.

Black (1-color) Logo

Use of the black logo is limited to use cases where only black and white is available or where the color logo clashes with or will be difficult to see agaist it’s intended background.

Horizontal Logos

The horizontal logo is for use in locations and on materials that are not suitable for the primary logo. This logo may be used on promotional materials, any location where a one color logo is required, or there is not enough spacing to permit the primary logo at or larger than it’s minimum size specification

Color Logo

Use of the full color logo should be utilized whenever possible.  Use the full color logo on the website, social media and in print where possible & where is will not clash or be difficult to see against its intended background.

2-Color Logo

Use of the 2-color logo is limited to use cases where a limited palette is available. This is most frequently print.

Black (1-color) Logo

Use of the black logo is limited to use cases where only black and white is available or where the color logo clashes with or will be difficult to see agaist it’s intended background.

Box Logos

The box logo is for use in locations and on materials that are not suitable for the primary or secondary logo. There are two variations of this logo. The first version is show in the color logo – containing a box around the “trü”, the second versions shown in the remainder of the examples below consists of a solid box with the logo mark contained inside. This logo may be used on promotional materials, any location where additional separation of the logo is required, or where design would otherwise detract from the visibility of the mark.

Color Logo

Use of the full color logo should be utilized whenever possible.  Use the full color logo on the website, social media and in print where possible & where is will not clash or be difficult to see against its intended background.

2-Color Logo

Use of the 2-color logo is limited to use cases where a limited palette is available. This is most frequently print.

Black (1-color) Logo

Use of the black logo is limited to use cases where only black and white is available or where the color logo clashes with or will be difficult to see agaist it’s intended background.

Practice/Service Marks

A Practice/Service mark is utilized in conjunction with the overarching brandmark of trüHealthNow.  The practice/service mark will appear in the external signage as it is a clear identifier for patients as to what services are being offered at the trüHealthNow Center in question.  All practice/service marks will follow the same naming conventions and structure.  trü is always the first component of the name & will be structured just as in the organizational mark. The difference comes that the following descriptors have spaces between the trü and each of the words that follow.

trü Primary & Urgent Care

trü Urgent Care

trü Primary Care

trü Regen Medicine

Incorrect Logo Usage

Do not outline the logo.

Do not use logo in any unapproved color.

Do not add unapproved elements to the logo.

Do not type your brand name in a different font.

Do not violate the required white space and minimum size.

Do not distort your logo in any way (skew, squash, or squeeze).

Do not add a shadow or other effect.

Do not forget about contrast with the background.

File Types & Usage

Vector vs Raster files

Graphic files come in two formats: raster vs vector. Raster files use a fixed number of pixels to form an image. This means that an image can get pixelated if stretched out. Vector files, however, are built using mathematical formulas. This means they can infinitely adjust in size without losing resolution.


This is a scalable vector file type with a transparent background designated for high-resolution prints.


Most common raster file type without transparency. 300 dpi resolution is best for print, 72/96/150 dpi for web.


PDFs are great for sharing graphic files and documents and can be printed/downloaded easily.


This is a scalable vector file type with a transparent background used mostly to display graphics on the web.


Raster file type which allows transparent background. Only supports RGB colors. Traditionally for web use although more printers are supporting RGB graphics by doing conversions during pre-press.


AI, PSD, & INDD files are utilized by Adobe Creative Cloud software (Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign).  Unless you are comfortable in these programs, these files should be utilized by a designer.

Color Palette

Our brand colors create an immediate connection to the brand.  They must be used consistently throughout all media.

Brand colors should never be modified for content. Instead, content colors — like slide decks and the body color of vehicles — must be modified to complement the brand.

Primary Colors


CMYK: 100  62  07  05
Pantone: 300

RGB:  000  092  185
HEX:  #005cb9

Picton Blue

CMYK: 73  16  00 00
Pantone: 2995

RGB: 000  167  225
HEX:  #00a7e1


CMYK:  00  71  100  00
Pantone: 1505

RGB:  255  107  000
HEX:  #ff6b00

Secondary/Accent Colors

Selective Yellow

CMYK:  00  32  100  00
Pantone: 7549

RGB:  225  185  000
HEX:  #ffb600


CMYK:  65  00 39  00
Pantone: 3258

RGB:  069  194  177
HEX:  #45c2b1

Kelly Green

CMYK:  76  04  100  01
Pantone: 361

RGB:  061  174  043
HEX:  #3dae2b

Cadet Gray

CMYK:  38  27  27  00
Pantone: 429

RGB:  162  169  185
HEX:  #a2a9ad

Expanded Color Ranges








Picton Blue


















Shade Range

Picton Blue























Typography is core to our brand. It is important for the brand to use its typography consistently across all applications. There will be narrow situations where you can’t, like when utilizing an online application that doesn’t offer one of our perfered typeface. In most other scenarios, the brand should be able to apply its typography. This must be true for all marketing materials — digital and print — including, business cards, posters, signs, ads, slide decks, the website, uniforms and vehicle signage.

Badget Text

Logotype Font

Chalet Lodon 1970

This typeface is used strictly for the “trü” of the logo.  It is not utilized anywhere else in the marketing materials or collateral. Chalet London 1970 is part of House Industries Chalet collection of typefaces.

Badget Text

Logo & Marketing Typeface


The Como typeface is utilized for the practice name/service in the logo and for tagline.  Como is also used extensively in marketing collateral. Como consists of 8 weights ranging from extra light to heavy, however it does not contain any italic which doesn limit it’s overall use.  Como is available through Adobe with a subscription or may be purchased through

Badget Text

Primary Typeface


Poppins is the typeface of choice for trüHealthNow.  Internal and external communications should be written with this font.  This font is made available through Google fonts and it free to use and download.  Poppins consists of 9 weights from Thin to Black in both roman (standard) and italic typefaces.

To read more about Poppins & to download the family visit: You may also download a zip file directly by clicking the button below.

Badget Text

Social Media Accent Typeface

Libre Baskerville

This typeface is limited in its usage purely to Social Media as an accent and/or header font.  It is not to be used in the day to day communications of trüHealthNow.

Libre Baskerville is make freely available through Google fonts. However, only those who are directly involve in the creation of social media posts or the associated graphics need access to this typeface.

Visual Style

Visual style includes such elements as images, custom patterns, textures, and iconography.  Each of these increase the depth and complexity of your brand presentation.


Images utilized should be of a clean appearance. Focus should be primarily on people, preferably isolated with solid colored background. However, images of actions conveying trüHealthNow values and those reflective of “trü feelings” are more relevant than simple aesthetics. .

emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image
emotion image

Custom Patterns

Brand patterns create a strong brand recognition and truly bring depth to a brand. Pattern(s) can be used to extend the visual recognition of your brand. Applications for patterns include on patient bags, postcards, inside of wow boxes, or as backgrounds for marketing or patient education materials.


Collateral includes all of the tangible applications where your brand may be expressed.  Email, Stationary, PowerPoints, Social Media, Banners, Trade Show booths and materials,  Marketing materials, Vehicle Wraps, Magnets, Signage… these only express the tip of the collateral iceburg. For elements that we have been commissioned to create you can find usage guides and file downloads below.

Email Signature

trühealthnow email signature

You can download a ZIP file that contains HTML email signature templates for all of trüHealthNow locations.  Once downloaded, open the zip file and double click your center.  This will open the template in your browser window. Click on the browser window. Press Ctrl-A, to select all, Ctrl-C, to copy. Then go into outlook and paste into the signature window.  Modify with your name and title, then save.  You now have your official signature!

Template Zip File   |  Detailed Instructions

If you are copying the email signature from a coworker’s email… follow these instructions.

If you would rather copy your template from a word document.

Download this Zip file.  It has the word document with all the center location templates, the correctly sized logo file & instruction.

Email Marketing Header

Email headers are an important way of keeping communications on brand and on message.  Here are three examples of headers that could be used for various email marketing campaigns or communications form trüHealthNow.

trühealthnow email header
trühealthnow email header
trühealthnow email header


trühealthnow stationary mockup

trüHealthNow has created custom digital letterhead for each of the practice Center locations. If you are in need of your locations letterhead or fax cover sheet you can download them from the links below.


The provided PowerPoint template includes two distinct styles of slides. One utilizing the dot pattern and the second using the box pattern design. The template design also incoprates six design layouts. The PowerPoint has been set up with trüHealthNow’s color palette as well as having the type set to Poppins.

Download PowerPoint

display of powerpoint template slides for trühealthnow

Social Media

truhealthnow instagram

Social Media posts and graphics are currently being managed by an external service provider. Please provide them with any assistance they may need in the preperation of social media posts or campaigns.

Be sure to follow our socials:

Instagram – @truhealthnow

Facebook – @truhealthnowfb

Twitter – truhealthnowHQ

TikTok – @truhealthnow

LinkedIn – truhealthnow